OpenHistoricalMap collaboratively stores and displays map data throughout the history of the world.
OpenHistoricalMap is built by a community of mappers and historians that contribute and maintain data about the history of the world.
Local Knowledge
OpenHistoricalMap is about historical data. Things that used to be there. From a variety of sources, contributed by mappers and historians across the world.
Community Driven
OpenHistoricalMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, academics, digital historians, historical societies, and many more. To learn more about the community, see the OHM News, user diaries, Forum, and the #openhistoricalmap channel on the OSMUS Slack workspace.
Open Data
OpenHistoricalMap is open data: you are free to use it for any purpose under the terms of the data you are using. OpenHistoricalMap identifies license and citation requirements at the object level (if any). Credit or citation to OpenHistoricalMap for consolidating this data is appreciated, but not required. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. See the Copyright and License page for details.
You can access OHM data through various services, beyond just this website. See a list of available production and staging websites and APIs on our Wiki page.
This site and many other related services are formally operated by the very informal OpenHistoricalMap collective on behalf of the community. Use of all OHM operated services is subject to our Terms of Use, Acceptable Use Policies and our Privacy Policy.
Please contact the OHM team at ohm-admins@googlegroups.com
if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.
OpenStreetMap and the magnifying glass logo are registered trademarks of the OSMF.
OpenHistoricalMap is a charter project of OpenStreetMap U.S., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation. Technical development is supported by GreenInfo Network and Development Seed.