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muninn_project's Diary

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As the Open Historical Map stabilizes into new hosting, there is finally time to breathe a little and look forward to improvements in the front-end.

Earlier this week, the data uploaded in Changeset 1430 about the Battle of Vimy Ridge was pushed into a map rendered by the WikiWar Guys and partially derived from data gathered from the Canadian Expeditionary Force Study Group.

I would like to see the OHM have a Linked Open Data aspect to it’s API to push out more data in a machine friendly way to make it easy to integrate with other data sources. That renderer project to have a time slide option for the tile server is still something that I would like to see realize.

Interestingly, the OWL-TIME standard is being worked on at the W3C which has some interesting ideas for us to look at in using time notations for objects.